Saturday, January 2, 2010

Centennial Celebration!

I am sure you have been waiting on tenterhooks to hear how the celebration went! Apologies for having kept you waiting so long.... Part of the problem was lack of success in gaining access to a computer during the festive season, then, once home, my attention has been pulled in several different directions. Still, you should have seen some pictures by now, via the web album, but in case you have been unsuccessful, I have managed to import a group picture!

Tuesday, December 22 was a day much-anticipated by both family and nursing home staff. Many preparations had been made, and all was now ready! Congratulatory greetings from the Queen had arrived by special delivery earlier in the day, balloons were bouncing around cheerfully in the air, the table was spread, the birthday cake adorned with sparklers, the celebrants, all there on time and in best bib and tucker........ BUT where was the Guest of Honour?? It seems that the morning's 'extreme makeover' had worn her out, and now it was time for a siesta! However, the 'Centenarian Celebrity' awakened from her slumbers right on cue, well-rested, dressed to the nines, and ready to party! The patient photographer, who had been waiting awhile for 'Sleeping Beauty' to awaken, went away happy, with the 'official' picture for the Gazette in his camera - and we all heaved a sigh of relief!

A hundred years is a long time, and during that time the girth of a tree trunk increases quite considerably. To emphasize this point, and to give a visual demonstration of the passing of time, Paul lugged in a slice from a tree that had blown down beside their lane, marking on the rings of the tree the birthdates of the various family members, with Great-Grandma Phyl's birthdate at the centre of the tree, and her great-granddaughter Lily's some 95 rings out, almost to the bark!
Once opened and admired, the birthday card from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, was displayed beside the birthday cake, but not too close.... Didn't want to risk it being burned when the sparklers were lit! The sparklers did in fact burn with great gusto, so much so that the fire alarm was triggered, and it was some minutes before it could be silenced! Fortunately, there wasn't a stampede of firemen to join the celebration!

The 'Centenarian Celebrity' enjoyed having her family around her on her special day, even though she wasn't entirely sure what all the fuss was about, or who everyone was. She certainly enjoyed the birthday cake, though - and the bubbly, too! - and we all enjoyed being there to celebrate with her!

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